Diabetes Management

nderstanding Diabetes: Causes, Risks, and Management

Diabetes is a long-term condition characterized by elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose is a crucial energy source for the body and is produced internally and absorbed from the foods we eat. However, when the body struggles to manage glucose effectively, it can lead to diabetes

Chronic Stress and Sleep Deprivation: High stress levels and insufficient sleep can disrupt the body’s ability to regulate insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes.
Unhealthy Eating Habits: Consuming excessive amounts of processed and junk foods, especially those high in sugars and fats, can strain the body’s insulin response.
Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases insulin resistance, meaning the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, making it harder to regulate blood sugar.

Role of Insulin
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter the body’s cells. In people with diabetes, the pancreas either doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body becomes resistant to its effects. An imbalance in insulin production and sensitivity leads to a surge in glucose levels circulating in the bloodstream.

Age-Related Diabetes Risk
As people grow older, their risk of developing diabetes increases.. Middle-aged and older adults are particularly vulnerable due to natural changes in the body:

Insulin Resistance: As we grow older, the body may become less efficient in responding to insulin.
Pancreatic Decline: Aging can impair the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin, increasing the likelihood of diabetes.

Ayurvedic doctor in Pune

Managing Diabetes Naturally
Lifestyle modifications are key to controlling diabetes. Key strategies include maintaining a healthy weight, following a nutritious diet, and staying physically active. Ayurvedic practices can also be beneficial, particularly through detoxification and holistic treatments like Panchakarma.

Physical Activity
Engaging in activities like walking, swimming, or playing sports can greatly enhance blood sugar regulation.
Specific yoga postures (asanas) like Vrikshasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, and breathing exercises like Kapalbhati can further help manage the condition.
A healthy diet rich in whole foods is essential for controlling diabetes. Recommended foods include:

Leafy green vegetables
Green gram and horse gram
Honey (in moderation)
Home Remedies
One simple yet effective remedy is barley water. Cooking barley in water (4:1 ratio) can help lower blood sugar levels and improve digestion

Complications of Diabetes
If not managed, diabetes can lead to severe health issues, including:

High blood pressure
Elevated cholesterol levels
As people age, their susceptibility to cardiovascular complications, such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes, significantly increases
Preventive Measures
Adopting a healthier lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing diabetes or help manage the condition for those already diagnosed. Some tips include:

Move Regularly: Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or inactivity.
Limit Daytime Napping: Too much daytime sleep can disrupt your metabolism.
Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Both smoking and drinking can negatively impact your body’s ability to manage glucose.

Ayurveda describes Diabetes as a lifestyle problem where there is an imbalance in Agni (metabolism) which later affects the three Doshas and Dhatus of the body.

Broadly it is classified based as:

  • Sahaja Prameha (Lean Diabetes)
    Sahaja prameha is related to genetic disorder (Bija dosha) and is similar to Type 1 Diabetes.
  • Apathyani mittaja (Obese Diabetes)
    Apathyani mittaja is due to life style disorders and is similar with Type 2 Diabetes.

Arogyaved’s Arogya Diabo-Tox Therapy:

With Arogyaved’s Arogya Diabo-Tox Therapy, one can live a happy and healthy life without getting any complications from Diabetes. It is time tested, very effective and absolutely safe in managing Diabetes and its complications.

Diabo-Tox Therapy helps you in a following way:

Step 1: It improves the Agni (metabolism) and helps in cleansing the piled up toxins in the body and removes the blockages from the channels.

Step 2: Strengthens the pancreas and related organs by providing proper nourishment.

Step 3: Reduces swelling and cellular resistance from the body.

Step 4: Rejuvenates Pancreas, Kidneys, Muscles and Nerves giving permanent relief for the problem.

Benefits of Arogya Diabo-Tox Therapy:

  1. Helps in correcting the metabolism and digestion.
  2. Reduces dependency of Allopathic medicines and helps in reducing blood sugar naturally.
  3. Reduces 5-8 kgs of excess body’s weight.
  4. Reduces Pain, Burning and numbness in the legs.
  5. Prevents Kidneys, Eyesand Nerves from Any damage due to high blood sugar.
  6. Increasesvigour, vitality and stamina.