Infertility Care

Vandhyatwa, or infertility, is characterized by a year of unsuccessful conception despite regular unprotected intercourse, and the WHO defines reproductive health as a multifaceted state of overall wellness, extending beyond mere disease absence to encompass physical, mental, and social flourishing.. As mentioned in ayurveda, in order to conceive naturally Rutu, Kshetra, Ambu & Beeja should be in favourable form. Rutu meaning fertile period/season, Kshetra denotes the location at which the process of fertilization takes place including uterus and concerned reproductive organs, Ambu meaning proper nutrient fluid & Beeja denotes ovam and sperm. If one or more factors mentioned above are compromised it leads to infertility.

If you are willing to conceive since long time and couldn’t find out the root cause of your infertility and correct treatment ayurveda and its panchakarma therapies will surely help! Underlying cause might might be from male or female partner or both. Sometimes a rightful counselling session with expert doctor often solves the major issues.

Main reason behind todays rising cases of infertility is imbalance of Vaata. Excess work load, disturbed sleep cycle, hotelling and eating junk, Lack of physical activity & ignored mental health often leads to imbalance in doshas.

Ayurveda suggests mainly two types of treatment-

1.Shamana- Includes Medicines Only.

2.Shodhana- Purification with help of Panchakarma. It includes Abhyanga, Pottali Massages, Enemas, Dharas & other therapies as per need.

How is the treatment done?

  1. Proper consultation will be done with both the partners after Deep pulse reading at Arogyaved Ayurveda health center.
  2. A detailed case history will be taken and necessary herbs and Panchakarma therapies will be suggested.
  3. Necessary investigations will be advised according to the problem. Which generally includes Semen Analysis, Follicular study and some hormonal tests.
  4. Diet regimen and Lifestyle modifications to boost the fertility will be suggested to ensure the results.

Home remedies will be advised from time to time as per the need

The right combination of authentic & Modified Panchakarma therapies helps in regulating menstrual cycle, improving quality of sperm, reducing mental stress, enhances general health, wellness, balancing the endocrine system and improving blood flow in pelvic cavity, hence promoting fertility.

Your body may be carrying deep seated toxins since ages which hampers the fertility. When authentic Panchakarma treatment is done it cleans the internal system completely and resets the metabolism. Which is known as BEEJ-SHUDDHI. When a good quality beeja i.e, Ovam & Sperm meets, it ensures the birth of healthy child.

Precautions to be taken while undergoing treatment-

  1. Keep following all the diet and lifestyle modifications advised by your doctor.
  2. Consult with your doctor whenever necessary.
  3. Discipline & Faith are two main keys in ensuring the great results.

ArogyaInferto-Detox Therapy helps in following way:

Step 1: It improves the Agni (metabolism) and helps in cleansing the piled up toxins in the reproductive system and removes the blockages from the channels.

Step 2: Removes excess Doshas accumulated in the reproductive system and reduces swelling and inflammation.

Step 3: Blood flow gets proper to reproductive system and proper nourishment starts happening.

Step 4: Finally it rejuvenates and nourishes the Sperm/Ovum.

Benefits of ArogyaInferto-Detox Therapy:

  1. Helps in reducing swelling and inflammation of the Male and female reproductive system.
  2. Provides Nourishment.
  3. Very Helpful in PCOD, Endometriosis, and Tubeblock, Fibroids etc.
  4. Improves Sperm Count and Mobility.