Pain Management

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that can be localized to a specific part of the body

which is result of imbalance of bodys tridosha vat pitta kapha .however vat is main dosha associated with pain due to its mobility and ability to disturb other doshas .one of the function of vat as explained in ayurveda that vat predominates the activities of nervous system with help of which we get the sensation of pain. Aggreavation of vat dosha is a causative factor of pain
Toxins build up in body due to improper digestion of food we eat which obstruct the channels in body aggrevates vat dosha leads to pain .
“According to Ayurveda, the mind plays a crucial role in pain perception, and factors like sleep disturbances or deprivation can intensify pain, trapping individuals in a self-reinforcing cycle of suffering.”

Emotional factors such as stress anxiety and fear can aggrevates vat and cause pain Dominat ageAs mentioned in ayurveda vat increase in lifes later age considering that point pain is dominant at the age of 50 yrs and anwards .Pain causes various disadvantages Impaired mobility joint pain causes limited movement .Persistant fatigue body consistently dealing with discomfort causes fatigue
“Sleep disturbances can amplify pain, creating a cycle of suffering, as per Ayurvedic principles.”

“Sleep disturbances can amplify pain, creating a cycle of suffering, as per Ayurvedic principles.”
Depression limited daily life leads to a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness Results in depression
decreases work productivity Reduces quality of life Pain causes various disadvantages Impaired mobility joint pain causes limited movement .Persistant fatigue body consistently dealing with discomfort causes fatigue Lack of sleep or disturbed sleep lack of sleep exaggerate pain creating a vicious cycle .Depression limited daily life leads to a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness Results in depression decreases work productivity Reduces quality of life
Benefits of Ayurvedic treatment
Ayurvedic treatment manages pain by finding root cuase not jusr asymptomatic relief
by balancing g doshas through detoxification process ayurveda not only alleviates the pain but also prevents its recurrence .
Ayurveda also focuses on mind and body balance as it is mentioned mind and body are interconnected treatment often include practices that calm mind which help to reduce pain perception and stress .

In treatment natural herbs used are natural herbs not the steroids which have dangerous side effect .
Noninvasive practices such as Yoga, pranayama not only helps in pain management but also improves flexibility and strength and mental well being.
Ayurvedic treatment for pain

Ayurveda t/t mostly planned through the basis of Prakruti (constitution) vikruti (dosha which is imbalanced)
Can provide a customized treatment plan
Therapies such as oil massage are noninvasive treatment helps in relieving pain by

In Arogyaved We follow all the principles explained ayurvedaBy identifying state whether is is caused due to toxins obstruction or by aggrevation of vat dosha treatment is planned First Digestion of toxins toxins which are formed due to improper digestion first digestion by external therapies such as churna massage and pottali shakes and also internal by oral medications .
Internal oleation medicated ghee is given by oral route for internal oleation
External oleation externally oil massage (Abhyanga ) is planned
Fomentation to loosen the toxins from deeper tissues.
Induces sweat to relieve stiffness pain and dryness caused by aggrevation of vata.Then all the loosen toxins are collected in digestive tract from which they are removed outside of body
virechan (induced purgation )
By above methods toxins are made ready to move out from body
purgation are induced by administration of medicines .
after that important step is there which have given 50% weightage in T/T of vata related conditions
Basti ( medicated enema )It includes 2 types
Anuvasana basti (oil enema )It is used to lubricate and balance the vata dosha
As large inytestine is main seat to form vata dosha firsly we Have to control vata from there then automatically all over body vata get in control .
2.Niruha basti enema with a decoction particularly beneficial in cleansing purpose.
Then customized treatment according to need of a patient like
knee dhara in knee pain
Kati dhara in lower back pain
Neck dhara in upper back pain ,etc
As metioned above where there is a pain we can pour lukewarm medicated oil by making flour well which is called dhara T/T .
Avoid sour salty and bitter food
Avoid raw food products
Processed food should be avoided
Eat at regular intervals
Eat little oily food products.
Lifestyle changes such as
Follow daily routine
Have 7-8 hrs of sleep regularly
Regular meals
Avoid Exertion

Benefits of Arogya Bone-Joints Detox Therapy

  1. Helps to reduce severe and excruciating pain from Knee, Back Shoulder joints which are acute or chronic.
  2. Reduces Swelling and inflammations from Knee, Hip or Shoulder joints.
  3. Reduces numbness and burning sensations.
  4. Reduces the cracking sound from the joints and provides lubrication thereby increasing the flexibility.
  5. Reduces approximately 5-7 kgs of body weight.
  6. Ultimately one is able to stand, walk and climb steps without any pain.
  7. Improves general well-being and build the lost confidence thereby improving the quality of life.