Panchkarma Therapy

Abhyanga (Herbal Oil Massage)

Abhyanga is a sanskrit word used for oil massage. Its a well-known Ayurveda treatment procedure that involves pouring and rubbing of luke warm medicated, oil all over body. The oil is poured and rubbed all over body with different pressures and rhythms at different locations of our body for 30-40 minutes followed by steam therapy. Generally, Abhyanga is done to prepare human body for cleansing procedures but it can also be done for improving general health.


  • Relaxes and rejuvenates body and mind.
  • Nourishes skin, muscles, bones and nerves of our body.
  • Provides lubrication to various joints of our body.
  • Reduces excess Vata from the body and improves flexibility of the joints.
  • Very helpful in reducing pain and stiffness of the body.


Shirodhara is an unique form of Oleation therapy which includes pouring of medicated oil on the forehead from a specific height and for a specific period continuously and rhythmically allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair. Oil can be sometime substituted with other medicated liquid in specific clinical condition, eg. Takra Dhara.

Benefits of Shirodhara Treatment

  • Very effective in reducing stress,anxiety and depression.
  • Enhances Memory,Focus and Concentration.
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Improves Blood Circulation to head and brain.
  • Improves vision and hearing too.
Ayurvedic clinic , panchakarma

Heart Dhara

Heart dhara involves pouring of warm medicated oils or decoction over the heart area for 20-25 minutes by creating a boundary around heart area with horse gram flour paste.

Benefits of Heart Dhara

  • It is very helpful in relieving anxiety, fear and depression.
  • Helps in removing blockages from heart and provides strength to heart.
  • Helps in improving blood circulation
  • produce a calm and grounded feeling.
  • Very effective in reducing high blood pressure, and various other heart  diseases.

Pind Swed

A type of fomentation therapy wherein herbs are filled in a cloth and tied in a form of bolus. These boluses are rubbed uniformly all over body from neck to toe or locally on affected area. 

Depending upon the ailment of a person herbs are selected and tied in potali form like in skin ailment neem leaves are combined with other cooling & pitta reducing herbs.

Benefits of Pind Swed​

  • Very helpful in reducing swelling,stiffness,water retention and inflammation from the body.
  • Very effective in treating all kinds of Arthritis.
  • Improves blood circulation in the body.
Kati Dhara Pune

NeckDhara/Kati Dhara/Spinal Dhara

Neck Dhara, Kati dhara or Spinal Dhara involves pouring of specially prepared warm herbal oil  over the neck, lower back or full spine and retained inside the black gram paste boundary for 20-25 minutes.

The healing properties of herbal oils used for Kati dhara improves and enriches the blood circulation in the lower back region, builds and maintains strong muscles, connective tissues and lubricates the joints keeping them flexible and pain free.


  • Reduces pain and stiffness of the neck & back region.
  • Very helpful in treating neck stiffness, vertigo & cervical spondylosis, lower back conditions like lumbar spondylitis, inter vertebral disc prolapses, lumbago (low back pain), and sciatica.

Knee Dhara

Like other dhara’s knee dhara too involves involves pouring of specially prepared warm herbal oil over the knee region for 20-25 minutes.


  • Reduces pain and stiffness in and around knee region.
  • Very helpful in treating knee related ailments like Osteo Arthritis of knee, ligament injury or any cartilage problems.

Feet Massage

A cooling and stress relieving therapy that is generally done by rubbing both the feet using copper vessel & medicated ghee. During the process various Marma points located on the feet are activated using pressure points.


  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Reduces excess heat from the body.
  • Helps in relaxation.
  • Promotes better sleep.
  • Relieves body pains.
  • Improves mood and fights depression.
  • Alleviates swelling (edema).
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.

Netra basti

An eye therapy that helps in improving vision and treating vision related ailments. It involves pouring of medicated milk, liquid or medicated ghee by constructing a circular well with horse gram paste around both the eyes.


  • Very effective in improving vison.
  • Reduces burning, pain, swelling and inflammation from the eyes.
  • Helpful in various eye related ailments like glaucoma, dry eyes, refractive errors, macular degeneration, stressed eyes.


In Ayurveda nose is considered as a gateway for head and upper part of body. It is a place through which Prana enters human body. Nasya involves administering medicated Luke warm oil through nostrils that nourishes brain and upper part of the body.


  • Very helpful in treating stress, anxiety, depression and other mental illness
  • Removes mucous blockages and clears breathing pathway.
  • Very helpful in treating chronic cold and sinus issues.
  • Very helpful in treating facial paralysis, hair and eye related ailments.