Skin & Hair Care

Hair diseases have increased in the present times, hair loss, graying, baldness etc. are seen everywhere.To maintain the health of the hair, if there are any hair diseases, some Keshya herbs have been described in Ayurveda.

Among the hundreds of such herbs, let’s look at a few that are super-innocuous and fragrant.

With Arogyaved’s Arogya Twacha-Tox one can get rid of these problems from the root and get back natural and glowing skin.

Arogya Twacha-Tox helps you in a following way:

Step 1: It improves the Agni (metabolism) and helps in cleansing the piled up toxins in the body and skin, also it clears up the blockages from the Skin channels.

Step 2: Reduces the aggregated Pitta Dosha and brings normalcy to other aggregated doshas too.

Step 3: Reduces swelling and Inflammation from the Muscle, Skin and corrects the disturbed Immune. system.

Step 4: Rejuvenates the Skin and Hairs and makes them look glowing and lustrous.   

Mostly the medicinal substances which have rejuvenate properties, Vayasthana means prolonging the life span, Jivaniya means life-enhancing or life-giving, Balya means giving strength, Varnya means give a good complexion and Poshtika means nourishing Sapta Dhatu and Vrishya means Shukravardhak or All aphrodisiac herbs are likely to have beneficial properties for hair, for example, some are essential as follows:

1) Harde: Harde is also beneficial for hair as it is health enhancing, life enhancing, color correcting, revitalize & subside Kapha vat dosh prominent diseases.

2) Amla: It keeps hair black as it has the special property of anti-ageing, it is rejuvenator , balancing tridosh, life enhancing, healthy, blood enhancing, nutritious, it also keeps hair healthy and removes any disease caused by it.


3) Bhangra: External use of black bhangra as an oil is essential for hair but very few people know that it is also used in food. Bhangra has a special amount of kesya guna that means enhances hair growth Since it is Rasayana means rejuvenate ,Balya means give strength and Varnaya means  give blackish colour to the hair. its powder can be taken in its solid form or Bhringarajasava made from it.

4) Jethimadh: As the medicine is vital, give tone to the hair, nutritious, balancing tridosh and aphrodisiacs, it can be taken freely for hair protection or disease prevention.

5) Brahmi: Brahmi syrup, brahmi syrup, brahmi ghrit herbs are also available every night 2-2 grams of milk, water or honey as, life-promoting, brain tonic and cold.

Benefits of Arogya Twacha-Tox:

  1. Reducesitching, pain and redness from the skin.
  2. Reduces Acne, Pimples and brings back normal tome and colour of the Skin.
  3. ReducesHair fall, Grey Hairs and thinning of hairs.
  4. Works as anti-ageing to the Skin and provides natural glow.
  5. Helpful in chronic ailments like Psoriasis, Eczema, Urticarialetc.