Weight Management

Weight management encompasses a personalized approach to achieving and sustaining a healthy weight, not only to ensure overall well-being but also to boost self-confidence and physical appearance for many individuals.

Who needs it?
Individuals who BMI is more than 23.1 kg/m². usually need to undergo weight management BMI is usually measured by dividing a person’s weight (kg) by the square of persons height (m)
WHO recommends following standards for definition of besity & other terms
BMI >30 kg/m² Obese
23.1-299 kg/m²- Overweight.
18.5-23 kg 1m² – Normal
<18.5 kg/m²- Underweight

Reasons for weight gain & its ill effects.
There may be numerous reasons for weight gain which Includes unhealthy diet (Oversized portion, food high in Calories and binge eating, etc), inactivity, family inheritance (not just the gene factors but also similar activities & eating habits), certain medications or medical conditions like hypothyroidism, cushing syndrome, PCOS, etc; socio-economic status (individual with no access to healthy food,influence of obese people around them, no safe space to walk etc), other factors like pregnancy, smoking, lack of sleep, stress etc, do play an important reasons for weight gain.

Obesity along with excess weight also gives an invitation to certain diseases which include Arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, high BP, Sleep apnea, stroke, various cancers, varicose veins, Depression, Dyslipidaemia, Cholelithiasis, DVT, increase in all-causes mortality

Managing weight
Managing weight involves following a healthy diet, regularly exercising and correcting the metabolism hampered due to unhealthy lifestyle
Panchakarma in ayurveda is said to be most useful in correcting metabolism. It involves certain therapies like basti (enema), udvartana (powder massage), Virechana (detoxification), etc. which help in reducing fluid retention in body , release toxins and increase blood circulation & skin tone.
It acts by stimulating the blood & lymphatic circulation, exfoliating & enhancing skintone, strengthening the muscles.
Removal of toxins from body decreases lethargy and improves agni (digestion) by which a person feels energetic and the food which is takes gets properly digested in the body.

Arogya Obeso-Tox Therapy helps in a following way:

Step 1: It improves the Agni (metabolism) and helps in cleansing the piled up toxins in the body and removes the blockages from the channels.

Step 2: Strengthens the liver and abdominal organs by providing proper nourishment.

Step 3: Reduces swelling and cellular resistance from the body thereby reducing weight.

Step 4: Rejuvenates the body and improves stamina.

Benefits of Arogya Obeso-Tox Therapy

  1. Corrects metabolism and removes water retention.
  2. Reduces excess weight naturally.
  3. Helps in preventing many obesity related ailments like Diabetes, High blood pressure, High Cholesterol.
  4. Reduces Breathlessness, Excess sweating and sexual weakness or frigidity
  5. Boosts Morale and improves self-confidence.